Kootingal Public School

Caring, Learning and Achieving Together

Telephone02 6760 3332


Exemption Forms

There are times during the school year that children cannot attend school.  Most absences, whilst are best avoided, are necessary for the family. We are endeavouring to initiate a roll monitoring program where these absences do not count on your child's record.

Absences for reasons such as: medical (whooping cough, measles, visits to specialists etc), exceptional circumstances (sproting representation, floods, funerals, unavoidable family holidays, etc) apply here.

To ensure this exemption is granted the Department of Education and Communities has requested that the school  (Principal, classroom teacher or office staff) be informed of the absence beforehand.  

Please see the link below for an exemption form.  This form may be used electronically, printed and signed then submitted through our front office.

Exemption Form (DOCX 69KB)