Kootingal Public School

Caring, Learning and Achieving Together

Telephone02 6760 3332




Kindergarten:  Semester 1-1 book      Semester 2- 2 books

Years 1 & 2:       2 books

Years 3 & 4:       3 books

Years 5 & 6:       3 books

Students visit the Library once each week for Library lessons but may borrow as often as they wish if they are avid readers. They must however return books before new ones can be loaned.

Students are encouraged to choose a suitable book themselves as this develops their tastes and skills. However this does not always occur. Please contact me if you are concerned.

Library monitors are on duty each week to assist staff and students at 2nd break when the library is open. The library is the best place to be on hot summer days and even on cold winter days because there is always something to do and keep the students interested.